Friday, August 22, 2014

Fork Ridge

Date: 8/22/2014
Distance: 10.4mi
New Map Miles: 5.2
Total Map Miles: 471.4

Today is Friday, but I was tired of work this week, so I headed out after a few hours and hiked the Fork Ridge Trail.  The Trail leaves from the Clingmans Dome road, and heads off on the NC side of the park.  The trail didn't have a very auspicious start as the trail was basically an overgrown ditch.  At least the ditch wasn't full of water.  After about 2 miles I passed a couple of Backpackers who warned me about the thorns farther down the trail.  I was pretty much sick of the overgrowth rubbing against my legs at that point anyway, so I switched to my long pants even though it was August.  The thorns weren't much fun.

The trail wasn't very good for about 2.5 miles, but at that point it improved and was more enjoyable.  There were a few spots with nice views, and some big trees.

Near the end of the trail, this creek crossing was necessary.  I walked around and tried to find a place to cross, but it was too deep to rock hop.  I remembered that I had a couple of trash bags in my pack, so I tried the redneck waders.  About 1/2 way across, both leaked, so I had wet feet the rest of the day.

Just to be really frustrating, about 20' on the other side of the creek, was the end of the trail.
If I could have seen the sign from the other side of the creek, I wouldn't have crossed.
 I tried for about 10 or 15 minutes to find a path across the creek from this side, but finally gave up and de-booted.  The water was a bit over knee deep.

The trip up the mountain was tough as the elevation rise was 3000'.  Hikes that start down and end going up are tough on the psyche.

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