Friday, May 1, 2015

Hangover - Cherokee National Forest

Date: 5/1/15
Distance: 16

Today's hike was with the GSHAG Meetup group.  It was a small event with just JD, Steven and myself.  This was my 1st visit to the Cherokee National Forest, so I didn't know what to expect.  The hike started at Beech Gap on the Cherohala skyway.  It was a drive of about 1:45.  We parked at the parking area about 0.25 miles past the gap.  Unfortunately, I had looked at a map on the internet that was misleading and JD believed me when I said we started across the road from the cars on the Benton Mackaye trail.  We went nearly 2 miles before JD decided that we were going the wrong way!  We had been hiking right beside the Skyway, so we went down to the road and walked back to the car.  So 2 hours in, we were back at the cars ready to start the hike!

Restarting on the side near the cars we hiked the 0.25 miles up to the gap and then started down the Benton MacKaye trail again, but this time in the correct direction.  The Forest didn't have great signage to say the least.  I've been spoiled by the signs in the Smokies.  In the forest, the trails are mostly just numbered with no mileage.  We hiked about 2 mile on a gravel road before we reached the intersection where trail 54A took off to the right.  Studying JDs map we decided this was the correct direction.  It was promptly a BIG climb up to Bob's Bald.  There were many wildflowers along the way.

Painted Trillium

 Stinking Benjamin (Purple Trillium)

 Squirrel Corn

 Witch Hobble

Up at the Bald, it was pretty foggy.
 The cold overnight weather had frozen ice on the trees at the highest elevation.  Lots of the ice had fallen on the trail in one area.
 We turned onto trail 53 and then a one other before turning on the Hangover trail.  We were dying for lunch and gave up and ate.  We had almost decided to turn back, but pushed on and were rewarded with some awesome views from the Hangover.  The overlook was about 6 miles from the car.  (10 for us though)

We hiked back the way we came, on the way home the Trout Lily had opened up.  They point towards the ground, so the photos were a challenge.

 We also passed this tree whose base was covered with ferns.
 Back at the bald, the sun was shining bright.

 There was lots of climbing on this trail (probably 3500' in all).  Some of it was "Jenkins Ridge" steep.  It was a really nice Friday in the woods.

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